About Me

Hello, welcome, and nice to meet you! I am Clarissa, I'd like to describe myself as a transformational woman who overcame obstacles from my changing needs & wants, by simply understanding the components of self-awareness ~ my own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and motivations. This involved introspection, reflection, and an honest evaluation of myself.

I was in a stage in life where it didn’t feel right, like something was missing, I was happy but not happy all at the same time. I didn’t know what to do or where to start but I one thing I was clear on was that I needed to do what I could with what I already had, so I started a journey to first learn more about myself. What I found was a woman that needed more “self” attention, empathy, and direction. My satisfaction today is a result of giving myself permission to have changing needs & wants as things around me changed themselves. I had routines that I thought solved all my needs, they helped me keep afloat but didn't give me the "self" fulfillment needed for growth. My routines were great but needed to be re-assessed and evolve because I was moving into my prime, I was  "self" transforming from simply giving myself the attention it needed, I was growing into the person that I was meant to become.

So if you are like me feeling unsure, uneasy, confused, tired, disappointed,  frustrated, or even unfilled in any aspect of life because there is so much happening around us. I invite you to invest in yourself and in my services. As a certified life coach with a wealth of life & career experiences, who successfully balances being a mom, wife, career and many other things, I’m committed to sharing all the tools & resources I've used (and continue to use) to create long-lasting positive change and personal growth.

Take that next step to you living your best life! Your FUTURE self will thank you in due time for the investment and attention you give yourself today!

The Future Coaching by Clarissa